Seprella·张:剧情越写越拉垮sex part was good, 但剧情真的很中学生水平
海里的骆驼: 虽然猜到了结果冒牌老爸下载还是觉得是一部有意思的电影除了茱莉亚罗伯茨的角色很多余马特戴蒙没啥亮点
清同学: time I see movies like this, I want to re-live my life. And as a person who has two long-distance relationships one for 3 and one for 4 years, I will tell you it’s bullshit that it will last forever.
夕绯需要氧气:那句 "No shooting friends"直接笑出声啊哈哈哈哈 不过配乐好喜欢感觉电影很被低估呢冒牌老爸下载其实蛮超越时代
法斯请好好活着:导演和我们说 这部纪录片也许只拍到了张的冰山一角